Tuesday, May 17, 2011


RESTday!!!! finally here! and...it's only been 4 days (well 5 if you count the fit test day....i guess i do)

I'm here blogging in my bathroom (waiting for my laundry to get done...haha) with my bella goose. here's why the laundry ISN'T finished at this point: 

yep. sleeping in my dried laundry (ACTUALLY, they're not even clean....since i forgot to put detergent in the washer for this load.....GO ME) but i mean, still had to wait for her to get out to re-wash them. she was too cute to kick out. haha 

Ah rest day...just in time...my whole body is sore, but my quads are KILLIN me today! a whole 6 days of the Asylum probably would've done my ENTIRE body in. i'm really just thankful i can still walk and dance fairly well today :) haha

Even though it was rest day, i was gonna try and do the Relief DVD. didn't quite make it to that today, though. i've got it on my calendar this weekend and i am excited for it!

Once again, TGIRestday.....
Always always REMEMBER THIS: a rest/relief day is KEY (sometimes this is a hard one for me to remember myself). don't get too excited and overzealous once you get into working out every day and start doing like 5 workouts in one day (i mean....not that i would know...ahem).....especially if you are just starting out! maybe down the road when your body has changed and is adapting. but for now....YOUR BODY NEEDS a day to rest and re-energize for the upcoming week! and don't forget to fill your body with energizing fuel as well!


 just because it's a rest day doesn't mean you forget all diet guidelines. splurge once in a while, but not just because it's rest day. and DON'T do that every rest day! i will try and get some yummy recipes posted in the next few days! mmmm

off i go to finish my laundry and get some zzzzz's. back into speed & agility round 2 for day 6!! hope everyone has/had/is having an amazing day!! 

LOVES - court

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