Friday, May 13, 2011


"LET THE GAMES BEGIN" - this is what you see when you first open the box of insanity. well, to that i say...BRING ON THE GAMES SHAUN!! 

I was so excited/scared/feeling unprepared when i saw my package on the couch. first off, because i wasn't expecting it until friday. PLUS... i have been SUCH a slacker (both in workout and diet) for the past few months. i recently got a gym membership and have done a few P90X workouts on and off...BUT i have been snacking like crazy (darn you 100 calorie packs) and just not getting in my wholesome healthy meals!

I wasn't planning on starting the Asylum yet, but decided to just go for it. technically, you are supposed to do both the fit test and speed & agility on your day 1...but it got too late in the night for me so i just completed the fit test for tonight and will start me "day 1" tomorrow. i have my wall calendar and free t-shirt form (haha) to help get me through the next 30 days of insanity.

I ordered my copy of the Asylum straight from you can either pay the entire cost (about $120) upfront, or in 3 monthly payments (which is what i chose). i ended up purchasing the lifetime DVD replacement plan, so my total cost for this month ended up around $60. today, it felt like my birthday opening up the package and getting all the goodies out (...what i would call goodies...haha)! there is the booklet of 6 DVDs, a guide with a bunch of information to get you started plus the fit test table to fill out, a recipe book (also, a nutrition guide...this is probably my favorite thing), wall calendar, agility ladder, and jump rope.

Soo....what did i think of the fit test? intense. 

BUT - what did i LOVE??

1 - Shaun. as always. he is so motivating and always says the greatest things! in this one, i kind of liked how he had warm-ups on and didn't do the entire workout.
(don't really know why...oh AND on a side note...looking through the it even possible for him to be more toned than he was in insanity?? come on man. he looks freakin' fantastic)

2 - The agility ladder. i really REALLY enjoyed the moves that used the ladder..although i will say that the ladder got stepped on. quite a bit. "number one: don't hit the ladder" - Shaun. haha

3 - The constant reminders to keep the core engaged! i need that so much. 

4 - The fact that i know i will improve on my pull-ups (since i basically didn't even get 2)

5 - On the DVD menu, there are some other vids to choose from. they include tips from Shaun on some of the moves that will be included in the next 30 days. i especially liked the "Pull-ups with Shaun" video.

6 - The INTENSITY and brutal-ness. i really really need it right now!

7 - Unrelated to the fit test...but i LOVE the fact that on the back of the original wall calendar are 2 hybrid workout calendars as well! one being asylum/original insanity and the other asylum/p90x. i can't wait to try them all! 

the hybrid calendars! 
I am SO excited for the next 30 days. below are my before pics...and i think i will post more at day 15 and then day 30 as well. i can't wait to see the changes! time to get that mind right and diet intact. i think i'm ready! stay tuned! AND...whatever you're doing or thinking about doing to make your life healthier, MAKE IT COUNT. like Shaun're the only one who knows when you're cheatin yourself. and you're the only one who can make it count. it only hurts you. happy crazy-workout-ness!!!

LOVES... court

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