Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger mishaps, asylum, and SUNSHINE

Alright, i am a whole day behind in my workout posts! blogger was down basically ALL day yesterday and this morning. and once i was able to get on, i found that my latest post had been deleted and my old layout was back! needless to say, i was not a happy camper. a few hours later...the post is back, BUT my layout is still the same. so i did my best to remember what i changed and got it back to normal again. took a few tries to get it right, but i think it's pretty close now :)

Today was such a crazy/good day. woke up (BEFORE my alarm - way before - which never happens). had my meal 1 (i will post more about the meal plan soon). sprayed myself crazy with sunscreen. got the jungle of a lawn mowed! OH and it was so beautiful and sunshine-y today!!! FINALLY! then i had a snack. colored my hair (just a touch up). had meal 2. showered. did my workout. meal 3. went to dance. meal 4. another snack. grocery shopping for 'courtney foods' with my little sister (oh boy that's always an adventure...). annndd, meal 5. and now here i am blogging away happily...although i should be going to, soon enough. 

OK - so, i have now completed the Asylum fit test, speed & agility, and strength! WHEW. toughest workouts i have ever done in my life, but it feels SO dang good once you finish that last move and go into the cooldown/stretch! 

First - speed & agility: this was ROUGH. i tweaked my ankle at dance earlier that night, but i was so determined to not miss my first day!! so i did it anyway...the majority of it wasn't too bad. ANYWAYS...the agility ladder. i absolutely love it. BUT. boy did it get stepped on and thrown around (literally) last night! 

My favorite move by far is the agility bear crawl. it is the most awkward looking move ever. but i really really enjoy it. maybe someday i'll post a video of me actually working we'll see! i may look like a fool, but hey, everyone's gotta look like a fool at some point...right? right. 

Least favorite move (well...maybe not least favorite...just the one i have a seriously hard time with) - IN & OUT AB PROGRESSIONS. holy crap. sooo much harder than it looks. alright there is another one......i can't remember the exact basically go straight from plank (push-up) position to jumping up into a squat, feet replacing hands. ya...that was probably a hilarious sight...BUT. it will get better! 

After that, i was the most sweaty that i have ever been. (remember that phrase for just a few minutes)

Second! STRENGTH: how would i describe this workout....? hm...i would call it insanity times 100. THEN add weights to the subject. mhmm. you got that right. just about every move was a struggle, but i LOVE weights! so i was in it to freakin win it! it is really a lot more about your mindset than what you're actually doing with your body. i used mostly 8-lb. weights (i had to use 5's for just a couple). all in all....i seriously loved this workout from start to the grunting sweating finish line

Ok, so remember when i said i hadn't ever sweat so much before? this workout BLEW that out of the water completely. i was dripping halfway into the warm-up all the way through my recovery drink after the workout. can i just say, though, that i LOVE the feeling of a 'tear' of sweat running down my nose. (this was a TAD excessive, though. several running down my nose and sides of my face. beads all over my forehead. GAH but i LOVE it!!

In closing for the night, i LOVE love love the motivation that Shaun brings to his workouts. he gets into your mind and just pushes that thought of failure away! (for me anyway, and well obviously he can't make me think anything...haha) OH on a random note, last night i had a dream that i met Shaun and was just hangin out and talking. hahaha. maybe one day!! 

Woah that got a LITTLE to watch my workout for tomorrow and get some sleeeeeeeeeeep

Have an amazing night, morning, afternoon, or whatever time of day you're at! Happy insanity everyone :)


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