Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who Likes The Lion King??

more specifically, this funny character from the movie....

wait. what? shoot that's my little sister Hana...haha. yep this is the look i did today. normally i don't do these character looks on anyone besides myself, but i thought i would give it a try on another face! what do you guys think?

Remember to look over the left side bar ( <==) and click that Like button if you liked Rafiki! :) i' m up to 31 Likes and so i got my own username! woo woo! !! 

Have a WONDERFUL day everyone. 

Monkey hugs and LOVES - Court

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Some things i did today...well, technically yesterday...

Same difference! haha it's still Tuesday in my brain.

Anyway...a few things from TODAY:

1) Made a facebook page for all of my past and upcoming makeup adventures! can you say P-U-M-P-E-D?! now, if you're reading this....go LIKE 'Courtney Little Cosmetics' - i need 16 more likes before i can have my own username. so.... here is the pretty little link :) - ACTUALLY...there should be a Like button over on the sidebar of this blog....hopefully that works!
<==== over there! 

2) Did NOT work out. i missed my yoga workout last week, so i was going to play catch up and do both plyometrics and yoga today. and....yep - didn't do either of them. whataslackeriam.

3) Put all of my laundry away....YAY!! it makes me so happy that i can do all of my laundry in one night (usually) woot woot. 

4) Girls night! probably one of my favorite times of the week! i just go over to my friend's place...we hang out, talk, watch Netflix...tonight we started watching Ally McBeal...LOVIN it so far! :)

5) Blogging.....right now. haha. i also love to blog. :D check out my other (P90X!) blog at:

And...there is my day in a nutshell. hope you all have/are having a wonderful day! thanks for reading :)

LOVES - Court

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Guess what?....

You're right - MORE makeup! I'm in love love love with doing makeup!! 

I was just going to experiment with some glitter lips tonight, but you know me....i had to do something with the eyes as well! so here's what happened.....

just the eyessss - this picture is growing on me a little...didn't really like it at first
the eyes are really much darker than in this picture - crazy flash.



GLITTER lips! i know i look scary in this picture...but i had a lot of fun with this look, though!!...ha
and even scarier in this one.......!

this is really how dark the eyes are...but i hate this picture....haha

ANYWAY, just wanted to share :) 

LOTS more makeup to come soon! follow this blog OR twitter (cLITTLE89) or subscribe to my YouTube channel (courtneylittleCHOREO) to stay updated on all of the fun!! thanks so much everyone!!

LOVES - Court

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My first ever makeup tutorial!

Hey everyone - i am SO excited today. why? because i uploaded my first makeup tutorial to YouTube today! 

And the winner is...Jack Skellington! from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton characters are some of my FAVORITE looks to do! i'm looking forward to doing the corpse bride again too! 

I wasn't really planning on recording this look, but phone was sitting right there and i thought 'well......why not?!' haha and here we are! 

Here are some of the pictures taken from yesterday: PHOTO CREDIT TO SAMANTHA LITTLE PHOTOGRAPHY! PLEASE check her out on facebook. and here is the link to her blog:

I scared myself a little bit in some of these pictures....haha. but i had a lot of fun with the look :) i hope you enjoy it is the video! pass it along and let me know what you think! and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you like what you see...because there is much more to come!! :)

 ALSOOO - follow me on twitter (and i'll return the favor)!! search: cLITTLE89 - thank ya much!

LOVES - Court

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Vacation City 2: Tucson, AZ.

Why did we come to Tucson for a day? well, the main reason was to see Christina Perri in concert!!! ohh yes. in case you don't know her for some reason, her "big hit" is called Jar of  Hearts and it's been featured on So You Think You Can Dance, Season 7. 

SHE WAS AMAZING. as i expected. and she's just a cute, funny, awesome person too. and i love how she says 'rad' about things. haha. her opening act was honeyhoney. i'd never heard of them before, but they were good! the lead singer's voice is amazing too. here they are!...

and here is Christina!

I want to go to another one of her concerts!!! maybe i'll have to look into that...

What else we did in Tucson:
1. went to in n out again
2. pool (not much of a tanning day tho - the clouds came. it rained for a bit. but it still felt nice out
3. showered/got ready for the concert
4. went to BJ's after the concert. yummy food. 
5. uploaded the few pics and videos i have from the concert. 

....and now here i am blogging....READY for you SAN DIEGO!!!!!

LOVES - Court