Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Independence Day Weekend....DAY 1.

Hope you all had a fabulous Fourth of July weekend! mine was pretty eventful...

To kick it off, we went to a family get together/BBQ in Rockland on Saturday (if you're not from Idaho, you probably won't know what the heck that is...haha). there was a little girl there, and darn it i don't remember her name right now....OH wait! it's Brooklyn...i think. haha anyways she was pretty hilarious. here she is with Kiana. haha. she got the blanket out to lay down and possibly take a nap....and...yep. this picture just says it all... 

There was also this jello there....(red jello. to be exact)...just in a glass pan. on the snack table. we were all standing around it...Brooklyn comes up and just starts poking at the jello. i'm like 'oh don't touch it!' and she gives me this look like who the heck do you think you are? as she proceeds to keep poking and playing in it. i REALLY wish i had a picture of this next part...darn.....

So Samantha says 'are you gonna eat some?' (or something along those lines...) - and what does Brooklyn do? scoops out a HANDFUL of that red jello and starts eating it. with her hand. hahaha. then.....we all walked away. we were not responsible haha. great times....

day 2 coming....in about 10 minutes. haha. LOVES - Court

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