Sunday, July 31, 2011

My first ever makeup tutorial!

Hey everyone - i am SO excited today. why? because i uploaded my first makeup tutorial to YouTube today! 

And the winner is...Jack Skellington! from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton characters are some of my FAVORITE looks to do! i'm looking forward to doing the corpse bride again too! 

I wasn't really planning on recording this look, but phone was sitting right there and i thought 'well......why not?!' haha and here we are! 

Here are some of the pictures taken from yesterday: PHOTO CREDIT TO SAMANTHA LITTLE PHOTOGRAPHY! PLEASE check her out on facebook. and here is the link to her blog:

I scared myself a little bit in some of these pictures....haha. but i had a lot of fun with the look :) i hope you enjoy it is the video! pass it along and let me know what you think! and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you like what you see...because there is much more to come!! :)

 ALSOOO - follow me on twitter (and i'll return the favor)!! search: cLITTLE89 - thank ya much!

LOVES - Court

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Vacation City 2: Tucson, AZ.

Why did we come to Tucson for a day? well, the main reason was to see Christina Perri in concert!!! ohh yes. in case you don't know her for some reason, her "big hit" is called Jar of  Hearts and it's been featured on So You Think You Can Dance, Season 7. 

SHE WAS AMAZING. as i expected. and she's just a cute, funny, awesome person too. and i love how she says 'rad' about things. haha. her opening act was honeyhoney. i'd never heard of them before, but they were good! the lead singer's voice is amazing too. here they are!...

and here is Christina!

I want to go to another one of her concerts!!! maybe i'll have to look into that...

What else we did in Tucson:
1. went to in n out again
2. pool (not much of a tanning day tho - the clouds came. it rained for a bit. but it still felt nice out
3. showered/got ready for the concert
4. went to BJ's after the concert. yummy food. 
5. uploaded the few pics and videos i have from the concert. 

....and now here i am blogging....READY for you SAN DIEGO!!!!!

LOVES - Court

Monday, July 18, 2011

Las Vegas! dancing, eating, and...more eating.

City 1 of vacation: Las Vegas! i was right - i was not in the right mood for all of that dancing. but i loved all of the choreography i saw/learned. my favorites: Brian Friedman, Wade Robson, and Tessandra Chavez. these were like THE hardest dances i have ever learned. ever! i'll have to go back and re-learn them in my mind later. haha. Shauna Noland was also there. she is so amazing.

Food: diet - out the window during this vacation. have i worked out? no. am i seeing the effects of my slacking? yes. am i ready to get back on the crazy train when i get home? YES. time to bring it BACK again people!

Some things i have eaten so far:
-BBQ chicken wrap, peanut butter smoothie, fries, chocolate volcano (Rainforest Cafe)
-Hamburgers and fries (In N Out)
-OH. like a bite of a belgian waffle with WAY TOO much strawberry pie filling and whipped cream on it. literally - 2 bites. couldn't handle it anymore. (Virgin River hotel)
-Red velvet and Reese's (chocolate) cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberry (Sugar Factory)
-Blueberry and chocolate muffins, waffle, scrambled eggs (hotel breakfast)
-Teriyaki burger and a couple criscut fries (Carl's Jr)
....that's not even all....i just went nuts! (one reason i don't like food.)

here it is.....the chocolate volcano. is a picture from The PULSE! Brian Friedman :D 

I was so tired most of the time in Vegas, but now i am feeling alright! and i am ready for the Christina Perri concert here in Tucson! yayyyyyyy

Goodnight, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are and whatever you're doing! i hope you are having an awesome summer! concert tomorrow - watch for some picssss!

OHH - PS - follow me on twitter!!!! cLITTLE89.

LOVES - Court

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vacation! finally...

It is SO nice to have a vacation right now... ahhh...

So here we are in Las Vegas for a few days. we are dancing at The Pulse convention here...honestly....i'm not even too excited for it. haha....maybe once it starts i'll get into it more. but i just wanna lay out and swimmm right now...

I am excited to see Tyce Dioro, Wade Robson, Brian Friedman and Dave Scott, though (maybe Mia Michaels...??)....just not in the mood for lots of dancing...on the plus side, i'm attending as a teacher - so i can wander around through all the different classes and not just be stuck with one group all of the time. so that'll be nice. 

Watch for posts throughout the next week and a half for more vacation fun!

LOVES - Court

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day Weekend - Final day!

I love traditions....especially Fourth of July ones. 

Every year, we go up to Inkom (again, if you're not from Idaho, you won't know. ha) for the parade. then we eat and hang out with family (MORE BBQ! haha. good thing i love hamburgers). then we just hang out until the fireworks!! (or sleep.)


What did i do to kill the time? came up with a bunch of makeup tutorial ideas. so excited! got LOTS of characters/looks planned! and a list of makeup that i need before i can do any of them. haha. hopefully it'l be soon. 

I spent most of the afternoon/evening wearing one contact. the other was driving me CRAZY. i dunno what was wrong with it. took it out and put it in some solution. my eye was getting so teary that i had to take all the makeup off of that eye. ughh! finally, before the fireworks i put the contact back in. it was good for about a half hour, then started actin up again!! i didn't notice it much during the fireworks thank goodness (the allergies may have blocked it out. haha).

The fireworks WERE AMAZING! we were so close. i love love love the firework show we have here. and i swear just about EVERYONE who lives in this city goes up there. SO MANY cars and people everywhere!! 

Here's a little look at the show! enjoy :)

Then we started on the journey home. i think it probably took about...20 minutes i think. and it's normally like an 8 minute drive. so it wasn't TOO bad. it definitely could have been much worse. 

When we got home we did our own little firework show and some sparklers :) 

It was a great weekend (minus the allergies and such). can't believe we're already more than halfway through 2011! it's insane to me....

Time to work out! haha. hope you all had a wonderful and safe holiday weekend, and are ready to get back into the grind! don't lose sight of all of the things you've been working toward! (even if you had a few days of diet failure over the holiday weekend. i know i sure did. more than a few.)  have a WONDERFUL DAY!

LOVES - Court

Independence Day Weekend - Part TWO

This was a fun day :) first off, church. always good. second, i decided i wanted to get back into doing some character/costume makeup! WOO HOO

Plan A: Black Swan (and white swan). all we have right now as far as white face makeup goes is a tube of that cheap face paint from like walmart or something. so i decided i might as well try it. CRAP. never ever use that stuff. well, i mean, don't expect to paint your whole face and have it turn out beautiful and smooth. so i got a layer on - it all dried. and......crack. crack. crack. so i took it all off. scratched the whole idea until i could get some white cream. 

SO.....plan B: a leopard! i was like eh....maybe this will be kinda cool...just took a darker foundation and covered my whole face. then just got a picture for reference and went at it! it ended up being pretty darn cool. i loved it! here are some of the pictures! 

All photo credit for the above photos goes to Samantha Little Photography. she's basically amazing, so check her out on FACEBOOK! (

Sometimes people probably wonder why do such a labor intensive makeup look when you just have to take it off after....and i say to that...because it's fun! and maybe, just maybe, others will enjoy looking at your work when you're finished. maybe they wanted to do a look similar and now they can kinda see how! or, maybe you aren't going to take it off. and you have a party to go to after. haha :) i'm going to start doing some tutorials and i am SO EXCITED!

So after getting that all off, we went to my grandmas for our annual firework show. there were a couple fireworks that were pretty cool. one was called 'little bull' i believe. it had crackly 'baby' fireworks, and then they got bigger. EVERYONE backed up about as far as they could. hahaha it was pretty funny. 

The finale firework was the coolest, but it wasn't very long. it was called snow the end it shot up a pretty decent firework into the sky, scaring the neighbor's dogs. haha. i decided next year, we're getting illegals. haha (everyone was doing them this year it seemed!!)

Then we went inside and watched Hope Floats. waited for midnight. then went to walmart to get shirts for the Fourth. all-in-all, a good night. 

DAY 3 - coming up soon. LOVES - Court

Happy Independence Day Weekend....DAY 1.

Hope you all had a fabulous Fourth of July weekend! mine was pretty eventful...

To kick it off, we went to a family get together/BBQ in Rockland on Saturday (if you're not from Idaho, you probably won't know what the heck that is...haha). there was a little girl there, and darn it i don't remember her name right now....OH wait! it's Brooklyn...i think. haha anyways she was pretty hilarious. here she is with Kiana. haha. she got the blanket out to lay down and possibly take a nap....and...yep. this picture just says it all... 

There was also this jello there....(red jello. to be exact)...just in a glass pan. on the snack table. we were all standing around it...Brooklyn comes up and just starts poking at the jello. i'm like 'oh don't touch it!' and she gives me this look like who the heck do you think you are? as she proceeds to keep poking and playing in it. i REALLY wish i had a picture of this next part...darn.....

So Samantha says 'are you gonna eat some?' (or something along those lines...) - and what does Brooklyn do? scoops out a HANDFUL of that red jello and starts eating it. with her hand. hahaha. then.....we all walked away. we were not responsible haha. great times....

day 2 about 10 minutes. haha. LOVES - Court