Sunday, January 23, 2011

one word. ouch! ...but you know, in the best possible way.

YAYYYY!!!! (you can purchase from - it's on CLEARANCE right now!!)
after about ten minutes....yummyyyy...

today is the day. i can feel it in my bones. the start of me not being lazy anymore. i've got a supply of P90X Results and Recovery formula, and i am ready to kick some butt (my butt, to be exact)! again. ha ha.

...and as i type, my arms are totally jello and shakey. but i love it! tonight i did chest, shoulders & triceps, + ab ripper x too. WHEW! this will be my...oh i dunno fifth time starting P90X. and i've completed it fully just once. BUT i think this time, i WILL once again complete my 90 days! and i think being able to blog about it will help motivate me too :) 

P90X is SUCH a great workout. very, very tough - i won't lie about that. it is very...well...extreme! just like its name says. the beauty of P90X, though, is that you can shape the workouts to what you need. if you're first starting out, you can make the moves as intense or as easy as you need to, either by changing the amount of reps, your weight, or the version of the move. in the videos, there are usually a few different versions of a move shown - from easiest, harder, to intense. then, as time goes on, you will be doing things you never thought possible! 

that being said....the workouts do get easier. in time. some more than others...for me, it's kenpo x that starts getting easy after a month or so... but also, as time goes on, you're getting stronger, using more weight, working harder - so the workouts may not really seem "easier", but if you were to go back and use the same weight as when you started, you would notice a difference. i can almost guarantee it. it's happened to me!  

another thing i love about P90X are the worksheets. LOVE LOVE the worksheets, and being able to see how i am doing from week to week. i wasn't really a fan of the actual beachbody worksheets, though, so i made my own using excel...very easy...and you can make them whatever colors, fonts, layout that you like! 

man...who would have thought typing up a blog would be so tiring for a P90X grad? ha ha ha. it is definitely time for bed i'd to everyone out there who has been a lazy rut, or just hasn't gotten started on a workout routine...i encourage you to start today! well...maybe tomorrow. ha ha. and i know sometimes it can be easier and more motivating if you've got a workout buddy, so i will always be here to help you along the way! being fit can feel so good! the journey to becoming fit can be a difficult one though...but you can do anything you set your mind to. i always like to think... "the mind is stronger than the body will ever comprehend" ...and i'm not sure if i found that somewhere or made it up myself...ha ha. happy boot-camping and sweet dreams to everyone out there going to bed! :)

....and here are what my worksheets look like :)

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